The Benefits of Community Living in Retirement

As we enter our golden years, the importance of a supportive and vibrant community becomes increasingly evident. Community living in retirement offers seniors a chance to enjoy life to the […]

Cherish Every Moment

In the hustle and bustle of the festive season, it’s easy to get swept up in the preparations and celebrations. However, let’s take a moment to think of the seniors […]

Living Affordably for Seniors in Canada

For many seniors in British Columbia, financial stability can be a challenge. Fortunately, both government and private sector programs aim to make life more affordable for those aged 65 and […]

Wills and Estate Planning 

2023 Goals

While it’s not something that’s particularly fun or easy to deal with, planning your estate is so important. Even though it can involve difficult conversations and complex tasks, it’s an […]

Making Time for Mom this Mother’s Day

Are you a senior on a fixed income? If so, you know that it can be difficult to make your money stretch. However, it is not impossible! In this article, we will discuss four ways that you can save money and live comfortably on a fixed income. Keep reading for some great tips!

4 Tips for Staying Healthy and Active This Spring

Are you a senior on a fixed income? If so, you know that it can be difficult to make your money stretch. However, it is not impossible! In this article, we will discuss four ways that you can save money and live comfortably on a fixed income. Keep reading for some great tips!

4 Tips for Saving Money in Retirement

Are you a senior on a fixed income? If so, you know that it can be difficult to make your money stretch. However, it is not impossible! In this article, we will discuss four ways that you can save money and live comfortably on a fixed income. Keep reading for some great tips!

5 Tips for Preventing Falls This Winter

5 Tips For Preventing Falls This Winter

Did you know? According to the World Health Organization, about a third of older adults fall each year. The percentage ranges from 32% to 42% for those 70 years or […]

2023 Goals

2023 Goals

Did you know? Only 9% of people who set New Years resolutions feel successful by the end of the year. Based on a recent survey, the most common New Year’s resolutions […]