We know as Christmas time is approaching there will be many questions about rules surrounding visitation inside and outside of the Cedars. We continue to receive guidelines from the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and anticipate that the only thing for certain is that the rules will continue to evolve in response to the current situation.
The current recommendations at the Cedars follow the province-wide restrictions.
- No social gatherings of any size at your residence with anyone other than your household or core bubble.
- For most people, their core bubble is their immediate household. An immediate household is a group of people who live in the same dwelling.
- For others, including people who live alone, their core bubble may also contain a partner, relative, friend or co-parent who lives in a different household. This should be a maximum of two people outside of those living in your immediate household.
The Cedars is discouraging social visits outside of the household bubble, but we recognize that we cannot enforce this. As you make your decisions, please consider the obvious risks to your loved one if they were to contract COVID-19. Also, consider that the decisions you make have the potential of impacting the entire Cedars community of 90 Seniors and 50+ staff and their families. If you insist on taking your family member out during the holiday season, please do everything you can to reduce the risk of transmission including:
- Wearing clean masks
- Maintaining physical distancing of at least 2 meters
- Use hand sanitizer frequently
- Minimize the number of people in the vehicle transporting the Cedars resident
- Minimizing the number of people in attendance and the number of exposures events
- If you gather with a small group, consider using technology to connect with extended family rather than large gatherings.
All residents can be away on an overnight leave of absence from the Cedars for a maximum of 30 days in a calendar year. Please be aware that residents who are away from the Cedars overnight may be required to isolate in their unit for 14 days upon return from the outing. If a resident were to contract COVID-19 while on a leave of absence, they may not be able to return to the Cedars until they are COVID free.
We anticipate that the Cedars will be receiving COVID-19 vaccinations early in the new year. Please do all that you can to keep our home safe during this Christmas season.