Vancouver Coastal Health has approved new interpretation guidelines for social designated visitation in assisted living. These guidelines are subject to change based on additional or future directives of the Ministry of Health.
New guidelines include:
- Social visits will be permitted in resident’s’ unit.
- We will provide a minimum of once weekly visitation of 60-90 minutes.
- As we begin the changes you will be limited to 1 visit per week. When we are able, we will increase the number of visits per week allowed.
- Social visits will be permitted for residents under isolation after they have been admitted to The Cedars.
- Pets may be brought in by the social designated visitor.
- Please refer to VCH Pet Policies for further detail: Animals in VCH Facilities and Animal Health, Hygiene and Behaviour Guideline.
- Designated visitors are eligible to receive their vaccine and must use the approved app to book vaccinations (Please email [email protected] for information) not the phone booking system set up for age-based vaccinations. You must have a letter from the Cedars to be eligible.
Guidelines that continue to be in place:
- The designated (social) visitor will be one single person per unit – where there are conflicts, the resident will choose who will be the designated visitor.
- You must apply to be the designated visitor.
- paper copy available upon request
- All visits must be booked in advance by phone (604-255-7707 ext. 101) or on the website.
- for weekend visits – book before 2 pm on Friday
- for weekday bookings – book at least 24 hours in advance
- Upon entry, all visitors must
- sanitize their hands.
- change their mask to a medical-grade mask (provided) and wear the mask for the duration of the visit.
- sign in and be screened for covid symptoms.
- Go directly to the unit, do not visit with other residents or staff.
- If using the elevator, do not enter the elevator if a Cedars resident or staff is already in it.
- Maintain social distancing and minimize physical contact.
- When leaving, go directly from the unit to the exit and sign out.
- At present visitation hours end at 7:15 pm. Please ensure that you have left the building by this time.
- If you need to speak to staff please call the Cedars (extension 101 for reception, 104 for a nurse, 102 for GM)
- The outside area on the Cedars Campus is for use by Hopehill residents and the designated visitors who have booked visits and have been screened according to the procedures.
- The Cedars residents need a place outside where they feel safe. They do not feel safe when people from outside the facility are gathering in the garden areas. Please respect our residents by abiding by the guidelines.
- Visitors must not enter the building through any door other than the front entrance (NO ENTRY THROUGH PATIO DOORS). Visitations on resident patios are subject to the same visitation rules as other social or essential visitation (visits must be booked, the visitor must be designated visitor, the visitor must be screened, etc.).
Same day social/leisure outings with designated visitor are encouraged.
- Any resident who has the physical and cognitive capacity to leave the facility independently must not be prevented from doing so and may choose to leave at risk to self.
- Please follow current MOH directives – As of March 12/2021:
- Inside gatherings: No social gatherings of any size inside your residence with anyone other than your household or, if you live alone, your core bubble.
- Since Cedars residents are “people who live alone”, the “Core Bubble” is defined as “a maximum of two people you see regularly”.
- Outside gatherings: up to 10 people may gather outdoors (please take residents off campus to visit in groups), stick to the same 10 people, continue to use layers of protection (masks) and maintain physical distancing.
- Residents who go on overnight outings or are admitted to the hospital may be required to isolate for 14 days.
Please remember that the risks you are taking become the risks our entire community takes. Please continue to do your part to keep our residents safe.
溫哥華海岸衛生局(Vancouver Coastal Health)批准了針對輔助式生活設施中的社交指定探訪的新準則。這些準則可能會根據衛生部的其他或未來指示進行更改。
- 將允許在居民單位內進行社交探訪。
- 我們將允許每週一次60至90分鐘的探訪。
- 當我們開始實行這些更改時,您將被限制為每週1次訪問。如果將來情況允許,我們將增加每周允許的探訪次數。
- 在被接納成為雪松苑住戶之後,該住戶的指定訪客將允許對被隔離的居民進行探訪。
- 寵物可以由指定訪客帶入。
- o請參閱VCH寵物政策以獲取更多詳細信息:Animals in VCH Facilities 和 Animal Health, Hygiene and Behaviour Guideline.
- 指定訪客有資格接種疫苗,並且必須使用批准的應用程序來預約疫苗接種(請發送電子郵件至admin.cedars@bghomes.ca以獲取信息),而不是使用針對基於年齡的疫苗接種而設置的電話預訂系統。您必須有雪松苑的來信才有資格。
- 指定的(社會)訪客將是每個公寓一個人-若有不同意見時,居民將選擇誰作為指定的訪客。
- 您必須申請成為指定訪客。
- 所有訪問都必須通過電話(604-255-7707轉101)或在網站上進行預約。
- 週末探訪-需在星期五下午2點之前預約
- 平日預約–需至少提前24小時預約
- 到達進入時,所有訪客必須
- 雙手消毒。
- 佩戴醫用口罩(將會提供),並在探訪期間佩戴醫用口罩。
- 登記並回答關於新冠肺炎症狀的問題。
- 直接前往公寓,請勿探訪其他居民或工作人員。
- 如果使用電梯,若雪松苑居民或工作人員已經在内,請勿進入電梯。
- 保持社交距離並儘量減少身體接觸。
- 離開時,直接從公寓前往出口並登記。
- 目前,探訪時間在晚上 7:15 結束。請確保此時您已離開雪松苑。
- 如果您需要與工作人員交談,請致電Cedars(接待處分機101,護士104,總經理102)
- Cedars 社區的外部區域供Beulah Garden Homes居民和已預約訪問並已根據程序進行登記的指定訪客使用。
- 雪松苑居民需要讓他們感到安全的戶外地方。當設施外的人聚集在花園區域時,他們會感到不安全。請遵守準則,以尊重我們的居民。
- 訪客不得通過前門以外的任何門進入建築物(禁止通過露臺門進入)。在居民露臺上的探訪與其他社交探訪或必要探訪都必須遵循相同的探訪規則(必須進行預約,必須是指定訪客,必須對訪客進行問卷登記等)。
- 不得阻止任何具有身體和認知能力的居民獨立離開設施,否則他們可能會選擇冒著風險而自行離開。
- 請遵循當前的 MOH directives – 從2021年3月12日開始:
- 室内聚會:除了您的家庭以外,在您的住所內不得與任何人舉行任何規模的社交聚會,或者如果您獨自一人居住,則是您的核心泡沫。
- 由於Cedars的居民是“獨居的人”,因此“核心泡沫”的定義是“最多兩個您經常看到的人”。
- 戶外聚會:最多可以有10個人在戶外聚會(請帶居民離開社區進行集體聚會),只與相同的10個人,並繼續使用防護措施(口罩)並保持身體距離。
- 如在雪松苑外過夜或住院的居民可能需要隔離14天。