We have now firmly entered the new year of 2021. Circumstances in the world currently continue to offer uncertainty rather than stability. But we should not wane in our positivity or our hope. We have each other, friends and family, and ultimately God. As we persist in resiliency into this year we should show and exhibit positivity and hope to one another. One definite way we can pass on positivity is through our kindness for one another.
There is a story of a teenager who moved to a new high school. Regardless of which high school you go to, being a new student can be difficult. At times, this new student felt a negative experience from going to this new high school because of the lack of friends. One day the student decided to be friendly to his schoolmates. His main goal for the rest of his first year was to hold the door for everyone before the classes started. So he began, one day at a time – holding the door and greeted everyone who came to school. His act of kindness became a routine in his school days that he continued holding the door for everyone for the rest of his high school years until he graduated. Unknown to him was the impact he had on everyone else in his high school. His simple act of kindness promoted random acts of kindness everywhere else in the school. A simple gesture brought positivity to the rest of his community and was recognized when he graduated.
Perhaps what we need to do in this new year is to hold the door for someone; while wearing a mask. For some, God has already given humanity the best act of kindness. In the book of Ephesians, Paul reminds us that God, “expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved … it is a gift from God.” This loving grace-filled action of Jesus sacrificing himself for us all is an ultimate act of kindness. One that did not expect anything in return. But it is an action that we should show and ‘do’ onto others. Because of the kindness of Jesus, we have hope and positivity to experience and to pass on. In another letter, Paul reminds us to be sincere in love and to, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Let us all practice in this hospitality. Sharing the kindness of God is needed now more than ever. Let us do so by calling our friends and family, as a way of spending quality time with them. Let us care for our neighbours and speak words of kindness to them even if it is just in passing. In this new year, let us hold the door for someone else (while wearing a mask).
Scripture Readings:
Ephesians 2:6-10
Romans 12:9-13
也許我們要幫助為人們打開大門,這個新的一年;戴著面罩。上帝已經擁有了人類最偉大的善舉。在以弗她書, 保羅提醒我們,”好藉著祂在基督耶穌裡向我們所施的恩慈,向後世顯明祂無可比擬的豐富恩典。 你們得救是
靠恩典,憑信心。這不是出於你們自己,而是上帝的禮物” 。耶穌為我們犧牲自己,充滿愛的恩典是最終的善舉。一種沒有期望得到回報的行為。因為耶穌所表現出的善良,我們有我們可以分享的樂觀。在另一封信中,保羅提醒我們要真誠愛,”盼望中要有喜樂,患難中要堅忍,禱告要恆切。信徒有缺乏,要慷慨幫助;客人來訪,要熱誠款待。” 讓我們實踐好客,展示上帝的善良是非常重要的現在。讓我們通過電話給朋友和家人打電話表示善意。讓我們照顧好我們的鄰居,並說一個短暫或長期的鼓勵。在這個新的一年裡,讓我們幫助人們開門(當我們戴著面罩)。
以弗所書 2:6-10
羅馬書 12:9-13